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The Chip Board Archive 16

for sale Anyone want $10K & $5K chips?? for sale

Okay, so here's the deal...I just found a bunch (30) of the $10,000 & (10) of the $5,000 King's Crown (Las Vegas) chips in the back of a taxi. I just got off the Ouija Board with the King's Crown cashier who said the chips are still good. Schwinn's in the shop and I don't know when I can make it back to Vegas to cash them in, so I thought that I'd offer a pair (one each of the $5,000 & $10,000) to the first nine (9) respondents here for the low price of $5 for the pair shipped.

I will then have twenty (20) remaining of the $10,000 chips that I will sell for $3.50 each shipped.

Please post here & I will contact via e-mail to secure addresses. One must be a ccgtcc member that lives up to your commitments.

Thanks. grin Steve B

(Disclaimer: These chips are imitations as noted within TCR (#N8662 $5,000 & #N8663 $10,000) and have no more value than what you pay for them....and the taxi story was a LIE!!!!) vbg

Messages In This Thread

for sale Anyone want $10K & $5K chips?? for sale
I'll Take A Pair
LMAO!!! I'll purchase a set Steve :-)
I'll take a set..
I will take 3 Pair
grin pair to a customer...sorry!!
hell yeah I'll take a set!
I will take a set Steve
Steve, I need a set please. You want...
They're face value to you, buddy!! vbg
I'll take a set! grin
I'll take a set, please. Thanks!
One set left...if any of you that have already
vbg ALL GONE!!!!!! vbg Thanks to all!!
I will take a pair Thanks
sad Sorry, Rod, Al & Craig...
I'll Take it
I would like a pair steve
I'll buy the Schwinn!
grin Will you give ME a ride from the Palms? rofl
Only if I win this year!
Better buy a basket for the trophy, then!! rofl

Copyright 2022 David Spragg