It's nice to see new members ask questions...this board, these "posters" can be intimidating at times...just hang in there . Many of us have asked the same questions regarding the candidates. Wayne Thompson has presented his platform in the past on the
club message board & Joe Pavlik has presented glimpses of what he believes, mostly on this BB. We all look forward to receiving as much information as possible from both candidates so we can make the best informed decision.
With regards to making this club & the convention better...alot of it has to do with you & all the other new members. As in most things, you get out what you put in. I have been really fortunate to have made some really wonderful friends through this club. And if you go to the convention & really want meet these people, volunteer. I'm telling you, two hours at the Club Promo, Building Fund, Membership or Auction table allows you to see & meet more people than you can imagine...time flies & it's fun.
Contrary to what you may read here, there really is no "clique" or inner circle or elite class...just different levels of friendships. There will be those that you may chose NOT to be friends with or visa versa. But, just like you would do with your own family & friends, when our ChipBoard friends get "attacked", we will circle the wagons...and throw a few flames of our own .
Please continue to ask questions & participate on this BB and in this club. If you have questions -- will generally get an answer or two.
I look forward to meeting you (both Dans) in the future, hopefully in August at the convention!! Steve B