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The Chip Board Archive 16

Re: Hey Eric I have a question for you.

Hey Glenn,

Well I guess I would not remove it for several reasons.

The chips have been abound with rumors. Although I completely trust the source, they have still not been issued. I do think that I would cancel the auction if the the chips were released during the auction and I would not hold anyone to the results of the auction.

Sales of anything are based on the market today, not what it might be in the future.

A perfect example of this would be the Nintendo Wii. Prices are really good and the market is really good for the wii right now. I just read that 6,000,000 (6 million) wii's are going to be shipped on Mar 31. Should all of the current sellers, who are getting more than retail, stop their auction because more are coming.

I have sold some chips for far more than I would expect anyone to pay for them. I would not stop the auction, if I knew of six other sellers and a couple of website that were selling them cheaper nor would I expect anyone else to do the same.

Tons of sellers sell chip right now for 5 times what other sellers are currently selling them for, and we do not expect them to stop their auctions.

I do understand you point, not all of my bidders may be as well informed as we are, is it might resposibility to tell people the future of a chip when it is in fact still an unknown.

Anyways I hope this was helpful. If anyone feels different I would love to hear their insight on the matter.


Messages In This Thread

Another $5 H.R. Puma. But NOT on Andy's website...
Isn't it time for someone.....
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Re: Isn't it time for someone.....
I think he has about 2900 more.
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Hey Mouth!
Re: Hey Mouth!
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Hey "No Number" ....
OOOppsss! Forgot to change it, from this P.C.
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Yes! But U R more than welcome 2. If U like!
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Honestly I hope you have more.
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Re: Not complaints .......... facts!
Hey Eric I have a question for you.
Re: Hey Eric I have a question for you.
Re: Hey Eric I have a question for you.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg