very good comment don

Messages In This Thread
- I wonder if the board members get there flight for
- Re: I wonder if the board members get there flight
- Now your gettin real silly Joe!
- What "campaign" ...
- no iam a stand up guy not a puppet
- Joe U get'em on the weekends, I'll take weekdays!
- Is the SplashBar closed on Sunday? Fuzzle Nut.
Than's funny HA HA
- Re:
Than's funny HA HA
- Dave don't tell them my plan. It's our secret.
- I will also admit: Done reading the comics
- I Get It! Pavlik's Dog, Right Tom?
- Lighten uP Dave and U all.
- No
- thank you for your respose belinda
- Respose"? What the h@ll is "respose?"
- Re: Belinda Is Resting?????
- I wouldn't support anyone that doesn't know..
- Always mix those uP. Along with were and where.
- very good comment don
- Where-we're-there-their-they're
- Hair, Here
- More irksome to me ....
- Actually, That is Also Incorrect Usage
- English usage
- Re: English usage
- I've heard they also get....
- Re: I've heard they also get....Really?
- really
- Re: really...don't really know Joe
- Re: I've heard they also get....
- I thought all the click...
- Re: I wonder if the board members get there flight
- Great post!
- Great post and a cool chip!
- thank you Glenn for your thoughts
- Re: I wonder if the board members get there flight
- Well put Glenn!
- Why don't you get off of your....
- Re: getting you nowhere
- remember gene i was supporting you
- Re: Joe, If I was..
I was wondering how you got I know
Bedo, very well said &
- So, does Gene get free airfare to the convention?
- Re: So, does Gene get free airfare to the conventi
- a great response
- So what, Gene HAS to support everything you say...
- no not really , he could speak his own mind
- Re: he could speak his own mind
- Isn't that a code of ethics violation???
- Re: remember gene i was supporting you
- check your paper work
- Here's the "paperwork" Joe ...
- it was sent in . you have my word on this.
- You have my word that I never received it Joe ...
- Hardly surprising. I doubt he could.....
- did you get permission to post
- Why would you think that Joe ...
Copyright 2022 David Spragg