scarce as each was minted in a quantity of 300. However, I wouldn't use the "S" word. The reason, in mymind that we don't see the Hearts very much is because of the way in which they were given out, i.e., splashing the pot. When one was won, I think the owner was inclined to keep it. Adding to this was that the subsequent releases were done from the cage and you could get multiple chips! This meant that collectors took them several at a time.
I also recall that it was quite a few months between releases and if you were not part of a network, it was easy to miss the releases.
But perhaps these really aren't the reasons and it's more along the lines of the lost socks theory!
I've had three complete sets and only had a third set after getting the GO here on the Chip Board. One is in my collection, one I sold and this one will be sold this evening, to the highest bidder.