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The Chip Board Archive 16

SeaMonkey?? You are having me on grin
In Response To: Browser That Works - NOT IE ()

We regret to announce the site was not tested using SeaMonkey, DeadTurtle or DesertShark.
BTW, DesertShark is actually owned by one of our regular posters here grin

Messages In This Thread

Aaron Peacock & other dial-up users
David, not being critical, just trying to help...
Re: David, not being critical, just trying to help
David, I when you say...
Re: David, I when you say...
Browser That Works - NOT IE
SeaMonkey?? You are having me on grin
switch to a mac and you'll sleep better at night!
Re: switch to a mac and you'll sleep better at nig
Re: switch to a mac and you'll sleep better at nig
Matt, when you said...
Re: Matt, when you said...
US Govt is stopping you from playing poker...
that's very interesting
Two words... Neteller and PokerStars
David you cut the last word of at the wrong part.
Of course you'll sleep better...
well there goes...
Wow, we ARE a bad match! *L*
Re: Wow, we ARE a bad match! *L*

Copyright 2022 David Spragg