Hi Archie,
I'll be happy to present a formal proposal concerning this matter. I never intended on causing any controversy on how publicity has been handled. My original note was in response to notes concerning advertizing and they are two different areas. That is what I was trying to convey and my intentions might have gotten lost in the shuffle.
I have real life experience building a reception point and a sending point for information to media outlets that send and receive press releases that are published or televised. It takes time to make the connections, but it can be done even by a hobbiest like myself, and it is these days, almost all are done via email using the latest Windows based platform. A lone exception is Associated Press which requires Win 3.1 or a hardcopy fax. ...could be some of the international outlets and organizations aren't up to speed, but I can now send email to my sister in Tanzania, so, who knows?
The bottom line is, the way to get the word out, and get it in print, is online. We just need to find the people willing to print it and construct an email list that includes all of the likely suspects.
Offering advice, willing to get involved and looking at about 4 months of off-season time to kill to do stuff like this regards,