I agree with you. On higher end items a seller can take a little bigger hit and still be OK. But on the under $5 items (and many chips sell for $1+) ANY hit makes a huge impact. I have sold many chips at a loss after the fees and commissions from eBay + Paypal. I am not trying to get rich or even make any big money selling which is a good thing because it is impossible on low value items.
As suggested it would behove eBay to drop listing fees OR not charge listing fees for items that sell UNDER a minimum linit, say $10 and under listing fees are credited back. That way tons more volume would be generated and profits for eBay would increase without killing sellers who sell low value items.
I have to disagree with the poster who said it is a buyers market. The buyer takes all the risks. I have NEVER had a problem with a buyer, ONLY sellers. AS a buyer I am at their mercy for quality, delivery, and feedback. They can short change me at anytime and I have little recource. Even paypal takes a $25 cut from the buyer on non-delivered items. I buy and sell, I like being the seller MUCH more! The seller can protect himself from a loss by starting the item higher, but it hurts the hits on the item.
A super scheme I have seen is "Seller is Away". You go to his store abd eBay allows him to sell with a delayed shipment (when he returns from vacation or whatever the delay is). Problem is if he delays 90 days you lose ALL recorse for non-delivery and I think you can no longer leave bad feedback.
Anyway, I aggree about the nickel and dimeing you to death from eBay!