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The Chip Board Archive 16
good person just naughty thought...
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You have ALL made my day!
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I got one of Shoop's Miracle
Re: -:�:-�:*'""*:�.-:�:--:�:-�:*'""*:�.-:�:--:�:-�
Re: -:�:-�:*'""*:�.-:�:--:�:-�:*'""*:�.-:�:--:�:-�
i gave to the shoop family fund and to the.....
but santa all i want is hooters
I Donated Along With A Bunch..
BTW Mark, I don't ride a horse
I tipped my garbageman $20 on Monday
Garbageman??? We just throw it out..
And I want that hotdog!
The mailman got $60.
If my mailman brought me....
THANK YOU from the mailman
Re: -:�:-�:*'""*:�.-:�:--:�:-�:*'""*:�.-:�:--:�:-�
I saw DADDY kissing Santa Claus
Re: Dear Santa!!
How about "SPLASHBAR 2" Very Good
PS I got me one of those chips also
Brian, did ya get my email?
Yeah Von, You did "GOOD" I sent
Sorry, but I can't think of one nice thing. BTW...
You have ALL made my day!
good person just naughty thought...
Merry Christmas Santa Clause!
Merry Christmas to you too, John
(Message Deleted by Poster)
I all the Indian Casino's in my State
Dear Santa..I've been very, very naughty......
terry already ask for hooters.....
Re: I don't think Clause is a pimp
and just think of mrs clause....
oh nothing for you mentioned the Mrs....
already fell through ice i might as....
Let's not get too deep into this ...
santa im sorry
i promise to be as.....
ok one last try with brownie points.....
Re: ok one last try with brownie points.....
Re: ok one last try with brownie points.....
Well in that case....
Yes, you are Jodi.
Yes. I traced the IP 1st time you posted
Re: Yes. I traced the IP 1st time you posted
Re: funk over the Ebay threads
time you posted
David is paranoid who is who
Re: -:�:-�:*'""*:�.-:�:--:�:-�:*'""*:�.-:�:--:�:-�
or i could get ya a drink at the splash bar
but but but xmas is 4 days away.
got to be good got to be good.....
throws more water down so ice wont crack.....
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