what I have been suggesting. I applaud your timely suggestion and hope that the current Board takes you up on the offer!
I'm glad to see room for a potential categorization of different chips, as determined by the Standards and Archive Committee.
I am glad to see that this is being offered as an enhanced educational tool.
In short, I see that you want to bring the Fakes, Fantasy and Counterfeits pages to another level.
As I have said previously, what you currently do for the Club in this area is very much appreciated and brings credit to your committment to the Club.
I will also point-out that I have no arguement with any element of your follow-up post.
It would be my hope that the Fakes, Fantasy and Counterfeits pages become the Standard for categorization of these chips and that Club members and non-Club members alike can point to or be directed to this resource as THE Reference Source.
Again, I thank you!
Jim Follis
Candidate for Sectretary