I switched to the 2 1/2 X 2 1/2 Mylar flips some time ago. I started out keeping them in the plastic binder pages but found I could not keep up with keeping them in order. At the flea market last summer I saw this box from Stanley. It was being used to keep window covering hardware in - I bought it for $5 hoping my chips would fit in it. They fit perfectly. The box is 18 X 13 X 3 - that gives you three rows of 18" and two of about 6". It also has removable dividers so you can break to rows into smaller cells if desired. I bought a second one from Lowe's for $10. One of them has my Nevada Chips and the other my California chips I still have a bunch in the binders that I have to take out and merge into the boxes but it is much easier to add chips in order in the box.