A simple question to those that have collected chips for a while.
If you came across a collection of chips that were fairly rare and you were NEW to collecting, would you openly reveal to people how many of these chips you found or hold off until you had some clue what they were worth? The book values are over a year old, so they could be worth a great deal more or a great deal less than that publication. And of course, the demand is way more important than the stated book value.
Also, take into consideration that since you started inquiring about values, you've been flooded with emails of people obviously trying to screw you offering anything from face value to a few current traders, gift certificates to electronics stores, etc. Also consider that another person had some chips that were stolen from his house, but before he did he sold one for a quarter of the realized price (i.e. he got screwed).
So to beat the crap out of this dead horse. Here are the numbers of chips I have:
4 star broiler $1 chef and grill chips
10 $.25 winners inn chips
10 $.50 winners inn chips
15 $5 winners inn chips
20 $25 winners inn chips
10 - 12 $1 star broiler copper tokens.
All are in varying condition ranging from uncirculated to slight table wear.
I doubt any of these chips will leave their cardboard tomb any time soon.
Thanks for reading and good luck to all in their pursuit of happiness and peace.