Hi David & Steve,
As both of you know from reading my previous notes involving auctions, I don't like them! However, as far as auction techniques, rules and procedures this TAKES THE CAKE. Retracting bids, pulling merchandise when bids have been received, etc. etc. stinks!!! In my opinion, Ebay should change the rules before they loose more bidders than they already have.
Hi Rene,
Now, Rene - you are not without sin <g>. I recall your last visit to our Chapter meeting where I offered you examples of certain chips you were selling for way, way less money. Remember???? However, I never seen a retraction or lowering of your price here on Greg's board.
Hi Steve,
Steve Wells, sometimes things do not appear as they really are. Once in a while I will find an extremely rare chip. Research it till I fall down from exhaustion <vbg>. I am absolutely positive no more are around. Than the phone rings, it is someone telling me about the rare chip they found while I hold the piece they describe in my hand!<lol> I don't mean to be but my voice (or note posted to the board) tends to demonstarte a "wee bit" of hostility. I understand but sometimes others don't. It is best to take Scott Ray's advice and wait a day to post.
Best, Jim