it was not intended towards you as I do respect your opinion. I, personally, have enjoyed the direction that the has gone under the current BoD...they have worked together on many issues and, although sometimes it seems they move too slow, their decisions have always seem to come with the best interest of the
and its members in mind. Wayne Thompson has been a part of those decisions and he has worked in conjunction with his fellow (sorry Belinda
) BoD members. He is also part of a "slate" of people running for office that ideologically have similar interests and directions for the
Can new ideas be introduced to benefit the club...most certainly. Jim Follis has presented several ideas that seem to be well thought out and with some merit...but he has made an effort to respond publicly to questions posed or differing thoughts...that's the key.
Joe has included in numerous posts "NOT SCARED TO STAND UP"...neither am I, Chuck, and I KNOW that you're not scared to stand up either. But we're not running for office...and if we were, I'm sure that we would respond accordingly to questions posed to us.