The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 16

Too funny Ralph... Actually, I had responded...

to a post, where Kat was looking for a specific wet chip, but called it by a wrong description. After we figured out that the chip she wanted was one I had an extra of, we were to make a trade. However, turned out she was new to the hobby, very new, and so trading was probably out of the question.

She offered to buy the chip, but I figured it was probably just as well to give it to her as a welcome gesture. Anyway, it took me a day to find it, then some additional time to make sure I was not sending away a chip from my collection, or one in better condition than in my collection. So after all that, I packaged it up and mailed it off. The next day I was looking for a chip for someone else and came across the chip I thought I sent Kat.

It was strange that I would have two extra chips, from a set of three chips and not have any of the other chips. So I had to wonder if I sent Kat the right chip, or the wrong one that was intended for someone else.

I emailed her to let me know if she receives the right chip, and sure enough, the next day she tells me she got the right one.

Anyway, long story short, I don't think my inventory of $5 traders can support a vote buying scheme, but even more than that, I'd have to answer to Pam! vbg

Messages In This Thread

Class Act !!!!!
Welcome Kat vbg
Welcome Kat !!! vbg
Welcome Kat !!! vbg
Aw shucks... You are welcome. Jim
Re: Aw shucks... You are welcome. Jim
Too funny Ralph... Actually, I had responded...
Re: Class Act !!!!!
Welcome to the club!
Welcom, Kat!!! Glad to have you around!
Welcome Kat
Re: Welcome Kat
Re: Welcome Kat
Re: Welcome Kat
Re: Welcome Kat
Re: Welcome Kat
grin Welcome...
Wecome to the Club Kat!
grin Ya made it !!!!!!! Congrats, Kat. grin
vbg Hey Kat, Welcome & here is your first vbg
Welcome Kat!! grin
Welcome Kat!
Re: Welcome Kat!
How's my memory...
Re: How's my memory...
Welcome Kat......

Copyright 2022 David Spragg