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The Chip Board Archive 16

Re: grin NCR � Thursday Humor...
In Response To: grin NCR � Thursday Humor... ()

My son works for an airline that Martha Stewart used. They have a Corporate Service that supplies small corporate sized jets. Martha Stewart was a huge pain in the ass as she always wanted fresh strawberry jam that had never been refrigerated, fresh squeezed orange jucice and threw a glass of it across the plane complaining it was not fresh squeezed. The airline charged her heavily to put up with her fits. The straw that broke the camel's back came when she arrived at the airport with too much luggage for the plane. The pilot made the call that some of the luggage would have to be put on another airplane to arrive later. She threw a hissy fit and demanded the crew leave their luggage to make room for hers. They did. Upon arrival she was asked to use the competitors air service in the future.

Opra Winfree owns a GulfStream and when it was out of service for Maint. she used the corporate service too. She turns out to be a HUGE racist, demanding ONLY a full black crew. Stuck in Hawaii with a black crew EXCEPT a white pilot she reluctantly boarded the plane 5 hours later when no available black pilot could be found to take the flight (there were black pilots but they were on other flights and spread across the US, or would take too long to get to Hawaii to take the flight). Her GulfStream has a full black crew.

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grin NCR � Thursday Humor...
Maxine is SOOOO logical! rofl
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