Arron: There have certainly been times when empires have valued their soldiers as a commodity to be bought and sold
Mike: I don't think slavery was ever mentioned. The point was > We underpay our soldiers for the services they provide.
Arron: People who commit their very lives to a belief in the American way, are of a value that money can't touch. They don't do it for the money, and yes we underpay so many important segments of society (see teachers).
Mike: At least we DO agree on one profession (teachers). I just include Firefighters, police, and soldiers in my group of people who are more valuable than the pay we give them.
Arron: We value the soldiers with our hearts, our minds, our souls, our very core as a nation. You can't buy that, you can't equate it with money.
Mike: No one is trying to BUY anything. I am talking about REPAYING them for the services they provide. But the general opinion here is that they are paid plenty for what they do and do not deserve more than just our gratitude.
I must say I am suprised that so many here on the board feel soldiers are paid adaquately. Even if they would do it for free, I feel we OWE them much more, but I must be the only one here.