Mark and Joan are naming their dinner tables at the wedding after Las Vegas Casinos and theirs will be Mandalay Bay.
I thought all I had to do was show up, greet a lot of people, walk Joan down the aisle, and bring a pen to sign VISA's. Now my latest assignment is to procure a new deck of cards and a dozen roulettes from Mandalay Bay.
I don't collect cards or roulettes (gave all I had to Debby for the bags at #14) so I don't know who to contact. They don't have to come from the same person. Any help will be greatly appreciated but the stuff has to be here by Friday, November 10th. "I'll pay..." (man, I'm getting used to that phrase) FedEx or USPO "over night" and a comfortable tab for these. LMK.
Janice likes the Bellagio and I bought her eighteen roulettes at #13 but do you think we could use those? �Ohhhh noooo, Joan's need to say Mandalay Bay," geeezzz. I'm hoping she doesn't want decks/roulettes for the other sixteen tables. Is this a wedding or what?
Sponsorships are still available - #4 & #5 call me collect, #2 & #3 call, and #1 just mail it in, thanks.
#1 $1,000 �Who?� = ceremony starts at 4:30pm(L) Nov 11th, you get a Sonic Burger.
#2 $2,500 �Acquaintance� = pic of wedding party, bus from a local motel, table in room, In-and-Out Double Double w/soft drink.
#3 $5,000 �Friend� = pic w/bride and groom, cab from Hampton Inn, table close to dance floor, prime rib, wine (screw top).
#4 $7,500 "Close Friend" = pic w/bride and bride�s maids, limo from your Marriott, head table, chateau briand, nice wine from Napa (real cork).
#5 $10,000 �Buddy� = Name It.
Boy did I have fun doing this.
I sort of got away from the purpose of this post. I do need the deck and roulettes, please let me know.