... any changes, Jim. In fact, as I tried to make clear (apparently without success), my POINT had little or nothing to do with the club auction itself.
However, if the end result here is some improvement in the auction for the benefit of both the club and the members, then I would consider that a bonus.
BTW, I appreciate your discussion of the value of the auction to the club, the worthiness of consigning items largely for the purpose of generating revenue for the club and the need for voluntary participation in club activities. We are not a profit making organization. Without the hard work of many volunteer members, the convention would NOT happen. I did not intend to criticize the auction itself or any of the people involved in making it happen (volunteers, sellers or buyers).
That said, it is a shame that the current format effectively precludes participation by some sellers and perhaps eliminates from the auction attractive items that might otherwise be included. ----- jim o\-S