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The Chip Board Archive 15

Re: Why isn't this chip orange?
In Response To: Why isn't this chip orange? ()

Early scanners did not handle fluorescent colors well. Most of the current scanners work fine. There's not much you can do to correct this with editing software.

Current scanners are cheap so that's by far the best way to give yourself good chip scans.

Messages In This Thread

Why isn't this chip orange?
Re: Why isn't this chip orange?
Wedge, the chip is actually orange, but...
Re: Why isn't this chip orange?
Re: Why isn't this chip orange?
I disagree with Don
Scanning fluorescent chips
My old scanner
Re: Same problem w/ me
Re: Why isn't this chip orange?
Because it's Arc Yellow? grin
I have the same problem Michael ...
The problem is.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg