but I seriously doubt if any of all y'all's Mom's would care much about a post like this on the internet.
Although I have two teenage daughters who tell me it's all the rage now (or 4-6 months ago, anyway) to preface just about every slam with "Your Mom..." or "Hey, your Mom called and said..."
Don't think they were offended by such remarks.
Probably references to Moms on the internet such as this are good intentions gone awry, and I think MudMomBasher ;) tends to be somewhat abrasive at times...still....
For me, you can say anything about my Mom you want to, and I promise it won't offend me. Anyone feel free to use me as the "go-to guy" when you need a Mom to pick on in a posting. Very little of what some anonymous "weenie-face" on the internet my say about my Mom (or my kids' Mom, for that matter) would likely offend me.
Maybe to my face - - but even then it would have to be pretty dang creative - or be directed directly at either aforementioned Moms - to result in anything but a gut-busting guffaw in your general direction.
MY unsolicited 2 cents worth ;)