I would describe myself as:
c --- primarily a collector who is also a dealer on a parttime basis.
Question #2: Would you participate in an auction if the auction venue's rules were as follows:
answer: yes. I would participate as a bidder in any auction. After knowing the rules and fees involved, I'd act accordingly.
Question #3: Do you plan or expect to participate in the 2000 CC>CC Convention Auction?
answer: yes, as a bidder. (In another post I said I wouldn't contribute merchandise to the Club auction because they do not allow minimum bids or reserves. They just allow the seller to save his items from possible low bids by bidding/winning his own auction (!) and then pay the Club a stunning 20% fee (i.e., a 10% byers' fee plus a 10% sellers' fee). This seems unfair to me. I can understand some of the club's thinking. I go along with not allowing a reserve. I think the minimum bid should be mutually agreeded to by the consignor and auctioneer or auction committee. I think the consignor should pay the club a nominal fee (or percent) for no-sale's to cover the Clubs costs/efforts.
Robert Eisenstadt