Hi John,
I've stated my opinion on auctions before but I'll add it again as this thread just won't go away and a few new options have been added.
Shill Bidders
As John said, there's no harm to the bidder but I strongly feel that this is a deceptive and unethical way of placing a "reserve" on an item. Put it up for what you want for the item already.....don't lead bidders on with a price you KNOW will never sell the item and have a buddy "bit-it-up", I despise this!!
Again, most have said it well here already.......reserves are just another "sale", not a real auction. But, if people advertize the items for sale at shows or on web pages with NO takers (as I do), I think placing it in an "auction" at your sale price or slightly below for "visibility" is an OK practice. It's when the items are NOT offered for sale and a price is placed on an item and ONLY put up for auction that I don't agree with. Have some trust in your pricing as books are available to help you establish a sale price, agree with them or not....people USE them!! I buy and sell at auctions and would much rather do it without the auction nonsense....one on one, but that's getting more and more difficult to do as time goes on. For a one-of-a-kind item, auctions are the best place for them as there is no established price for these types of items so for a seller to maximize their return, auctions are intended for these types of items. When the items are available for purchase and a "price history" is established, auctions MAY not be the place for these items.
Opening Bid
Best for a mass sale. Ebay and other auction sites charge very little for the audience your item will reach. This is the best way to sell your items quickly and to reach a wide audience......provided the opening is slightly below retail and the seller is honest if asked "how many do you have?" since that question DOES affect price!
True Auction
Usually works best for one-of-a-kind items as stated in the Reserve section. Once the "deep pockets" who don't have the item find out there's one up for sale/auction, don't worry.......you'll get the best price even starting at 99 cents as someone mentioned before<g>!!!
Well, as Collin Raye said in a C&W song "That's my story and I'm....stickin' to it"!