You have claimed in a number of posts thats I bought chips from a "known slabber" or "broken the pledge".
My problem is each time I have asked you to justify your comments you have ignored me and continued your posting.
Likewise, in a number of threads concerning 'chip alteration' you have apparently refused to either believe what I stated, or cant accept I have to refrain from providing further detail. If you would call it by a different name then I agree to disagree.
It seems that every time I make a post on either of these subjects, you reply to it in the same repetitive manner. I therefore have to regard your behaviour as an 'attack'.
I was far from happy that you then posted that you were quitting the club, and possibly the hobby, because of me and Gene. This seemed even stranger considering that on the exact same subject, you posted this on the club bb:;read=22937
"This is my hobby and I will not let a few take it away from me."
You are well aware you deleted many of your posts in these matters, a search of the archives will show you in fact deleted at least 10 messages from this board, this year, which were mostly related to these topics.
If your counsel cares to email me I will send him the relevant screen shots for some of these. I can also forward him some of your emails to me if he needs them.
In the meantime, as requested, here are some of the relevant posts which did not get deleted.;read=22934;read=22939;read=22940;read=22943;read=22944;read=551597
At one point in one of the threads above you even admitted you were wrong but that still didnt stop you coming back at me on it later.
In this last post above, the culmination of this original discussion was that YOU suggested we have Whalen fix a chip so we could test xray.
Then here was another case where you also followed up by email afterwards.
Lets clear this one up. Gene mailed you one each of his and my personal chip as a trade for two of yours. If you did not receive mine then you did not receive Gene's either.
As I said, you asked me again twice in email where your chip was and I explained as above. When I offered you another you said you didnt want it.
Norm. I think this whole issue goes back to this post.
You kept telling me to go back and read it.
Please show me where anyone broke the pledge.
We bought slabbed coins which had been slabbed by all the slabbing companies known to have at some time or other slabbed chips.
Once again I repeat:
We did not buy these items from any of the slabbing companies.
We did not buy these items from anyone who participates in any way with the selling of slabbed chips.
We bought a few of these from coin dealers of which I have no evidence theyve ever handled a chip, let alone a slabbed one.
We bought the remainder from private ebay sellers.
You also interpreted 'club' as meaning even though I had already clarified it meant
Had you not misunderstood this and we had resolved this argument at the time, I would not have been left with such a sour taste in my mouth.
I would probably not have viewed your later posts and emails to me as 'attacks'. In fact you probably would not have made those posts.
For the record.
I never asked you to quit or stop collecting.
I never said you could not have a different opinion to mine.
You need to be a better judge of peoples character
Im sorry, but I came across this post in the archives and couldnt help myself.
Think about it Norm. As I said, I have remained civil in all my correspondence to you.
Take care my friend.