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The Chip Board Archive 15

Re: Think about this
In Response To: Sue them for what? ()


Look, all I�m saying is the club board of directors (apparently unilaterally) has potentially exposed the club to litigation, litigation expense and who knows what else without club membership approval.

It that how the members wish to spend their memberships dues? Is this what club members bargined for?

I think we have a serious breach of fiducairy obligation here!

Messages In This Thread

Glad I'm Not A Board Member
To what does this relate?
Why would you care - it only concerns members grin
How about potential members?
Re: How about potential members?
In the US, court papers in federal matters
Re: In the US, court papers in federal matters
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: This is not the first time you have commented
Re: This is not the first time you have commented
I apologize for the misunderstanding
Re: I apologize for the misunderstanding
Re: This is not the first time you have commented
Ahhh. I hadnt considered that.
Re: Ahhh. I hadnt considered that.
Re: David I have never called you on this
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re:I repeat I suggest you go back and check
Re: David if I where you I would retract that post
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: final time David retract the post
What post? I deleted the post before I made
Norm, if you had not blocked my email
"another" I wasnt aware of the first one?
Re: David I have never called you on this
Do I read that as a retraction?
Re:You honoerd my request I will honor yours
Re: David
Strange...I just checked the court file
WOW - what a surprise grin
If this is no longer an "ON-GOING" ...
Assuming his post is accurate...
That sounds perfectly clear to me.
Was not a closed case when it last
Re: Why would you care - it only concerns members
Glenn do you have a link to this
Re: Glad I'm Not A Board Member
Re: Glad I'm Not A Board Member
Re: Curious in Illinois...
Mr Whalen Emailed it out to some people
Re: Mr Whalen Emailed it out to some people
Re: Answer
I received the original email
Re: Answer and Response to YOU
Glenn: What judgments could there be?
Re: Glenn: What judgments could there be?
Re: Glenn: What judgments could there be?
Re: Glenn: What judgments could there be?
Re: Glenn: What judgments could there be?
Sue them for what?
Re: Sue them for what?
In an area where cancellations
Re: In an area where cancellations
In some States, knowledge that the
Re: In some States, knowledge that the
As I said before, you raise valid points
Re: As I said before, you raise valid points
No kidding...
Stu, Dont you ever give it a rest?
Re: Stu, Dont you ever give it a rest?
Wow, well played. Really burned me !!!!
Re: In some States, knowledge that the
Exactly! So something good came out of it grin
Re: Think about this
It is something to think about
I think you already know all this, BUT
Re: Answer and Response to YOU
Re: Answer and Response to YOU
Re: Are you threatening me?
Re: Are you threatening me?
Re: Are you threatening me?
Re: Are you threatening me?
Re: Just what I thought...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg