Sue them for what?

Messages In This Thread
- Glad I'm Not A Board Member
- To what does this relate?
- Why would you care - it only concerns members
- How about potential members?
- Re: How about potential members?
- In the US, court papers in federal matters
- Re: In the US, court papers in federal matters
- David
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Re: This is not the first time you have commented
- Re: This is not the first time you have commented
- I apologize for the misunderstanding
- Re: I apologize for the misunderstanding
- Re: This is not the first time you have commented
- Ahhh. I hadnt considered that.
- Re: Ahhh. I hadnt considered that.
- Re: David I have never called you on this
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Re:I repeat I suggest you go back and check
- Re: David if I where you I would retract that post
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Re: final time David retract the post
- What post? I deleted the post before I made
- Norm, if you had not blocked my email
- "another" I wasnt aware of the first one?
- Re: David I have never called you on this
- Do I read that as a retraction?
- Re:You honoerd my request I will honor yours
- Re: David
- Strange...I just checked the court file
- WOW - what a surprise
- If this is no longer an "ON-GOING" ...
- Assuming his post is accurate...
- That sounds perfectly clear to me.
- Was not a closed case when it last
- Re: Why would you care - it only concerns members
- Glenn do you have a link to this
- Re: Glad I'm Not A Board Member
- Re: Glad I'm Not A Board Member
- Re: Curious in Illinois...
- Mr Whalen Emailed it out to some people
- Re: Mr Whalen Emailed it out to some people
- Answer
- Re: Answer
- I received the original email
- Re: Answer and Response to YOU
- Glenn: What judgments could there be?
- Re: Glenn: What judgments could there be?
- Re: Glenn: What judgments could there be?
- Re: Glenn: What judgments could there be?
- Re: Glenn: What judgments could there be?
- Sue them for what?
- Re: Sue them for what?
- In an area where cancellations
- Re: In an area where cancellations
- In some States, knowledge that the
- Re: In some States, knowledge that the
- As I said before, you raise valid points
- Re: As I said before, you raise valid points
- No kidding...
- Stu, Dont you ever give it a rest?
- Re: Stu, Dont you ever give it a rest?
- Wow, well played. Really burned me !!!!
- Re: In some States, knowledge that the
- Exactly! So something good came out of it
- Re: Think about this
- It is something to think about
- I think you already know all this, BUT
- Re: Answer and Response to YOU
- Re: Answer and Response to YOU
- Re: Are you threatening me?
- Re: Are you threatening me?
- Re: Are you threatening me?
- Re: Are you threatening me?
- Re: Just what I thought...
Copyright 2022 David Spragg