I concur that name calling will NOT achive anything, but there has been some mis-information, on both sides of the argument.
There are always new collectors entering the hobby and useful information needs to be presented so that they can make an informed decision on what to do with there collectibles.
Conditons do change over time, and I feel it is wise to re-access the situation from time to time to see if conditions warrent a change in the current club policy.
Having said all of that, a few of us do NOT feel comfertable with a (small vocal) minority dictating to the rest of us what we may want to do with our collectibles.
If 3rd party encapsulating is such an evil thing, then what is the fear on letting them exist? Could it be that they just might find a following?
If they are not knowledgable about our hobby, is it not imcumbant upon the club as part of its tax free status of an educational instatution to educate them?
Can we not change our mind if we choose, or must we march lockstep along with everyone else?
NO, I do not have the answers to everything, but I would rather like to make up my own mind, either to or not to use 3rd party services and I feel that other club members may also want to have this choice as well.
Nuff said