What are you talking about! It comes down to I have chips and I’m selling some of them. I'm not forced to tell anyone how many I have nor is it borderline criminal. If you want to buy one great, if not don't slam the person because you don't want to buy from them. That is pretty childish. If a chip sells for $1 or $1000 so be it. I'm not out to screw people out of there money like some of you people. And by the way I was screwed by one of you guys so don't talk to me about honesty and integrity. If you have noticed I stopped listing any ratings on my chips just the description so people can then decide for themselves how rare it is and how much they want to bid or pay for it. If you speak for everyone on this site and by your comments you do, then I wish not to do business with nor communicate with anyone here if all you do is post fraudulent messages and slander people by calling them "COMMON UNSCRUPULOS THIEF." Thank You.