Here is a guy (Von) that comes to this BB, asks questions, adds POSITIVELY to discussions and may have even on occassion disagreed with some of the old-timers and/or newbies alike. But the key here is that Von jumped in and asked questions without attacking...he has made the effort try to get to know people on this BB and in the . And people have made an effort to get to know him, too.
This BB and this club present wonderful opportunities to make new friends with whom you share a common interest -- something that accelerates the whole "friendship process". I am very lucky to have made the friends that I have made through this hobby (including Von ). Maybe those who haven't established friendships on this BB or in this club feel like they are left out of some "clique", but it's more that those that have established friendships have just a bit more to talk about, just like in any situation where someone new joins a group of "old friends". And it's nice to have friends like you, Von.