Since there are many Members that don't have extensive enough collections to warrant repeated purchases of price guides - an on-line solution could not only address those needs, but could also represent an untapped income source for the authors. The trick would be to get the
leadership to undertake a survey of the potential, and then negotiating a license with each of the price guide authors. Although we've got a few knowledgeable people replying here that don't seem thrilled with the idea; I take great solace in the number of hits this thread has received. It only takes a couple of folks to quash a public discussion - but that doesn't mean the idea still doesn't get disseminated. A reply that says; "why don't YOU do it", isn't really adding much to the discussion of the merits of an idea.
Suggesting such a thing should not be taken as an insult against those that currently put out the guides - it's called progress, and it would be IDEAL if our Club were involved in bringing these publications on-line. UNLESS, of course, you like everything just the way it is, and aren't too interested in change...
THINK ABOUT IT: I can think of a few Old-Guard Members who would actually be pretty miffed if a Slabbing company went on-line with exclusive contracts with major price guides; the could REALLY miss the boat on this one, and be marginalized as a result!