To me an honest auction is one in which the seller states a minimum bid and if someone bids that amount or more they win the item. This business of guessing a "secret" number is fine for Groucho Marx (guess it's a "secret" word there) but is not something most bidders want to do when making a purchase. I've noticed that frequently "secret reserve" items on Ebay get no bids. I'm suggesting sellers will find they sell more items if they just honestly state a minimum. And when I use the word honest, I don't mean it is "dishonest" to do auctions this way, to me it's more like "playing games." On the other hand I enjoy seeing the scans of the nice chips so if you want to mostly just "show" them without selling them keep on with what you're doing on Ebay. I realize other opinions may vary and of course Ebay allows this so the decision is completely yours.