I recently came across an Ebay auction of a casino chip which was in a slab bearing your companies lable.
Your website doesn't mention grading of casino chips so I am curious as to whether this is legitimately your work or if it is a counterfeit slab.
If you are in fact grading Casino chips I have several questions I need answered before I can consider your service. As a long time casino chip collector I am unawre of any commonly accepted grading standard for casino chips. What is your system -- specifically what is your grading scale and how is it applied. Your website says all items require three graders to agre eon the grade. SInce almost all of the experts on casino chips I am aware of oppose the slabbing of caino chips I am curious where you found three individuals with the experience and knowledge to grade casino chips, exactly what experience and qualifactions do your casino chip graders have?
Thank you for your assistance
Peter Sanders
Thank You for your assistance