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The Chip Board Archive 15

Partial Truths

But it is calmer now, largely because tokes are being divided by downs as opposed to hours.

I do not think dealers clocking in and then leaving is or was a significant problem. Maybe some were doing this but certainly not many. The far bigger problem (aside from the fact that they won't let us have a toke committee involved in the process and we all bellieve that not all the money we are entitled to is getting to us) is that management was wasting dealer time. And since the dealers were getting paid for their time whether they worked or not, dealers told to stand around and wait for hours on end, just stood around and waited without complaint (meanwhile in another part of the room Dealers were working without breaks). Dealers will not accept this if it means they aren't getting paid.

Messages In This Thread

"WSOP Dealers Reportedly Upset at conditions"
"Dealers Still Divided, Situation Calms at WSOP"
Partial Truths

Copyright 2022 David Spragg