Our chips are notched by hand and they are not notched in the same place. We do not sell them to the public. Thank you for your interest in our chips.
From: NORMAN R BOTOSHE JR [mailto:jdubs19@msn.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:55 AM
To: Info@gpigaming.com
Subject: *** Spam *** GPI Gaming Partners International Corporation
I am a member of the Casino Chip & Gaming Token Collectors Club, Inc.
Recently a post was made on a message board that we all frequent as to how you notch your sample chips in order to cancel them. I have a few questions that would clear up any misconceptions that the members have.
1.) Are the chips notched by hand or machine?
2.) are all chips notched with the notches in the same place , thus making the chips identical?
3.) Does GPI sell these chips to the public as we are seeing several notched samples for sale on the message board recently?
I thank you in advance for your response and I also would like to take this opportunity to personally thank GPI for the wonderful chips that your companies have made over the years.