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The Chip Board Archive 15
I guess its no different, but, try and make one
In Response To:
David, would these 'notched by the maker' be any..
that would fool me and then tell me how many you destroyed while doing it.
Marlow Casino Chips Website
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12 different LV notched PS samples
12 different LV notched PS samples
As per issued chips. No logo on back.
No PS logo on the back. If they did they
David, would these 'notched by the maker' be any..
I guess its no different, but, try and make one
Let me rephrase my question...
Yes they have notching machines
Interesting! What would you estimate these to be..
Re: Interesting! What would you estimate these to
Here is a scan showing both sides...
IMO - left chip $5, right chip $15
Re: Here is a scan showing both sides...
What an interesting thread
Re: Here's what GPI replied
Just Curious - Notched worth more???
Because only between 3 and 20 are likely
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