The total win doesn’t change; it’s the hold percentage that changes. PC is calculated by the formula of “win/drop”. In your example of a table opening with $10,000 in chips and closing with $11,000 in chips, the pc is dependant on how much money is in the box.
If $1,000 is in the box, then the pc is 100%. If there is $1,100 in the box, then the pc is 90%. Many upper executives follow the pc of each table like a handicapper follows the Racing Form. In the old days, Steve Wynn was a fanatic about it. I don’t know if he still is or not. Policies and Procedures can manipulate it. Dennis Gomes was a master at that and used a drastic rise in pc as stepping stone in his early days as a casino manager.
While there are peaks and valleys, the pc should be an accurate indicator on whether or not there is a problem with a given game or table.
The link that Pete provided is a great one. I met Andrew years ago and I respect his website and his knowledge.