>>>Talk about a terrible analogy. There is no such thing as a "slabbed airplane".
This just gets better and better. NO KIDDING! There is no such thing as a slabbed chip outside your little world. That's why every single new member tends to ask just what the hell you are talking about.
It would be nice if you could point to an actual definition instead of saying "everyone knows what it is because that's what it is and that's what it has been and we've all pledged to the pledge and if you are too stupid to understand what it is that the pledge is pledging then we can't tell you what it is"
>>>It is correct for me. I don't give a darn what anybody else thinks
>>>Geez fellow, you are just being unreasonable.
No, it is my nature to question.
"unreasonable" is to blindly accept and/or refuse to discuss that which is questioned.