Prior to the Hunt brothers doing their thing, I was
collecting 1-oz, .999 fine, silver "Art Bars"
because of their beauty and not the intrinsic value.
I was visiting a coin shop when came across the
"Teletype" silver was taking an abrupt upward
movement of a few pennies. I Started buying whatever
was available. Hey, this was a hobby for me and not
an investment (YET). At a later date I thought I was
making a killing selling everything (the hobby was
out the window) <g> at $12.04 per troy oz, then
buying again
at between $14 - $15, and reselling at $32.11.
After the dust settled I had felt a lot better.
Being able to buy silver dollars for less than melt
during that period (and searching)
was a gift from the Silver Gods. Searching the 50�
rolls from the banks
was a greater thrill than finding a "JVB" Crest and
Seal. <g> Redemption offices were springing up in
every shopping
center...and it seemed like the Old West mining
towns had returned. It was a lot of fun. I bet the
Hunts are still banging their heads against the
wall. <g>