This is a list of chippers who have already committed chips but are not yet received so are not included in the totals yet.
Debby Meister (2 of her own + others if needed)
Mark Shapiro
Steve Palumbo (2 Chips)
Jerry Birl (6 Chips)
Steve Bedo
Katie Smith
Wayne Delia
Paul Bachtel
Nancy Olson
Aaron Peacock
Tom "The Busdriver" (??? Chips)
Joe Rabito (2 Chips)
Don Logerwell
Tiny Treasures (2 Chips)
Brian Mr. "Splashbar" Cashman
David Hench
David Spragg (5 More)
Doug Smith (6 More)
from the list above I am expecting somewhere between 45-50 new chips not yet included in my totals
Total possible displayed chips so far = 269
Can we make it to 297 (3 Full Frames) or 396 (4 Full Frames)?
Thanks again to EVERY Single one of the 80+ chippers who have donated.