SNOB? Shoot, in this town everyone knows that stands for Support Native Oregon Beers! Loved that Roque sign advertising "Roque Bed & Beer", sounds like a true webfoot hangout.
A very nice post to find while I'm tasting a local IPA this evening.
Made acquaintance of my very first chippers at a chip show at the Chinook Winds back when. Steve Goodrich, Mel Jung (!), and probably Don Lueders. A couple good chip show poker tournements too. Sat next to the Chinook Winds Elvis impersonator at the last one. Typical OR. coast Indian casino talent, he actually told this chestnut during the game:
"One time I had to go to one 'a them child phychologists. How they let that kid practice phychology I'll never know."
Good score on the Roque chips, I've always liked them a lot.