>>>.. that you still don't get it... except that you don't like the rule
I do indeed "get it". My initial response to the BOD was not that they were out of their minds for passing a dues increase that they will never pay. It was simply a request to Grandfather in all current members to avoid an arbitrary application of the LM increase among the current membersship.
Many members (including some LMs) supported that proposal which means that I was not completely off my rocker.
If the rules won't allow the BOD to do address a serious problem which many recognize does indeed exist, then they need to find an alternate solution, change the rules, or change the way the rules are applied.
>>>you've taken the position that you are willing to quit the club over it.
This is correct. To me it is a very simple proposition and as clear as can be. If everyone isn't going to pay it, none of us should pay it.
Turtles are out.. have a great day!