Bob, I meant NV GCB would never let our casino's get away with what CO GCB allows concerning chips. Over face, sold in gift shops, etc. They will even approve chips to be sold in gift shops but NOT to be used on the tables. At least that is what they personaly told me.
I designed 1 chip for a Co casino. Process was the same at that time.
Submit art work.
Submit notched chip.
Deliver chips.
In Nv, once a notched chip is submitted to GCB, (the chips are made and in LV at this time) GCB can say, NO APPROVAL" and they will be destroyed. They can be approved and delivered, and the GCB can recall them, similar to the Riv porn chips.
Casino approves the art work. Casino never sees the notched chip in 99% of the cases. Once chip is delivered we can not refuse the chip, as long as it matches the art work.