starting to sound like LM logic?
Put it this way...forget the rack chip at'll still be worth 100 in a couple of years. This one is 135 and I think the last one that appeared sold for over $250...sounds like a good buy to me. (then again, what do I know?)
Now, do you want to explain your comparison between Rorke's Drift and Mogadishu? I still don't get it.
Rorke's Drift= a defeat, but a precursor to oNdini, the end of it all.
Little Big Horn= roughly the same; precursor to Wounded Knee.
Mogadishu= Heron logic that I still can't decipher.
Or we can just go back to discussing postage rates...much simpler
Now why don't you go paypal $135 to the UK before you miss out on this one?