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The Chip Board Archive 14

Re: Tony Cornero's Stardust Special is odd that it only stopped at the Stardust for 5 3/4 hours, since it was called the Stardust Special.


Evidently the Stardust covered a portion of the expense, as they were to host the meals. (Page 7 of the brochure says that if the Stardust can't supply "this gratuity", there's an additional $9.75 per person)

I wonder what happened to the excursion... Was it cancelled? Did it stop somewhere other than the Stardust? Did the passengers have to pay the additional $9.75 per person or did they find someone else to host the meals?

Dates confirm that the brochure is from 1955, the year that Tony Cornero died, while shooting craps at the DI. The Stardust was completed and opened in 1958....

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Tony Cornero's Stardust Special
Mark, I believe...
Hopefully, I will have the other pages..
Re: Tony Cornero's Stardust Special

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