It is an email from SunCruz!
"Andy, I am contacting you not as a fellow ebay buyer/seller, but as a representative of SunCruz Casinos. If you need to verify my identity, please feel free to call Corporate at 954-929-3880. I see you are and have been selling players club cards, both issued and unissued. I don't know how you came to possess the unissued cards as it is my understanding these are kept locked on the vessel. On the back of the card you will see that is says This card is the property of SunCruz Casinos and must be returned upon request. I am requesting that you return all Players Club Cards in you possession. If you would care to contact me or discuss this situation please use the above phone number
Thank you
Lauri Bower
Department of Security and Surveillance
SunCruz Casinos"
I thought it was interesting!