Recently I saw a reference to the "Overloads of Chipping" applied to Gene Trimble. This secret society dominating the chipping hobby carries with it great concern. Among the questions which come tomind:
Do they control large armies? do they do so as a group or individually?
How many Overlords are there? Who are they? Do they have magical Powers?
Are they Athletic, handsome, fast, strong, agile a standout athlete, or have a genius IQ?
Are they Rare? (does that mean there could be as many as 16000 of them.
I am frightened (does this mean that Terry will call me a big baby, or will he get drunk with me and plot revenge against the Overlords, is he a Overlord?).
The sky is falling, wooooo.
I will include more when I have baseless rumor, gossip, and vague or unsupportable supposition to libel (not slander) people with.