They were NOT posted on the fantasy set for a long time.
They were posted there AFTER I bought them a couple of years ago from Matt.
I know this because he asked me if I wanted some palmas and showed me that he posted them on the paulson fantasy page.
When I bought them I tried to inquire of their origin as did Matt, no one said they had ever seen them in a Paulson store.
Again, Matt posted on THIS SITE looking for their origin, I saw the threads, no one knew or had seen them in a paulson store and Matt sold a bunch on sample sets on this site.
That was the last time I was at this site, interested in the origin of the chips I had just bought. So if you had responded then we might have known if they were in a paulson store, you're the first to say it.
I'm no major collector, I like chips, I've bought a bunch of them, mostly the ones that I liked the art on, and my chips have been selling for big money on ebay before.
Are paulson top hat and canes like mine in mint condition not worth what people are paying for them??