I got these chips from a dealer.A card dealer.He sells sports cards,and somtimes sells Yu-Gi-Oh cards to my son.Some of those cards get expensive!$20-$50-$80 for rare cards.
He found out I collect chips, and said he had some rare chips from Vegas and asked if I would be interested in them.He brought them in for me.
I said I hope these are not them.
I told him thanks but,no thanks.He was not suprised ny my reaction,so he must have knew they were paper and worthless.Just another scammer.He took the chips back and then threw them away in the trash.I don't know why,but,I could'nt see them go to waste,so when he was'nt looking ,I grabbed them,back.I have a friend who is not a collector,but, made a little display, for decoration,in his house.
Maybe he could use them.
The dealer said he was going to vegas for a card show and would get me some chips, but,he first reminded me the cage personnel always charge a few dollars for a fee for each chip.
Can you guess what I told him them?
I dont mind paying extra for someones time,but,i dont want to be lied to.
anyway,thier are the two blank wave molds,maybe I'll put them in the trader book.
I'm done venting now.thanks for listening. Rick