Here's a really strange thing I discovered today. While going through some various folders in my hotmail account, I discovered quite a few emails that had come in to me that were unread and had somehow been sent into my "EBAY" folder. I say "unread" because I have never read them. Yet they weren't highlighted as unread. Hmmmm.
This event is very strange, because I only use that folder to send ebay related sales emails. They are always opened and dealt with before my putting them there as an archive.
As I checked in here, I discovered emaisl going back almost 6 months of various dates. All of these emails were not ever seenby me, or opened by me, yet they weren't highlighted like they were unread. Weird!!! So I'm going through these one by one and trying to sort them out. Theres a ton of them!!! Lots are junk mail, and some are duplicates of emails I had sent in wth these. what a mess!
Anyone ever heard of something like occuring??