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The Chip Board Archive 14
I know it looks like a 2 but could it be a 9?
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Sorry - 231 of them !
Being a 9 makes sense.
$1 931 $5 631 $25 31
Why would $1's only be 231?
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Opera House $1 "71 Years of Gaming"?
6 or 7 $'s
I sold about 10 of them last year for $15 each
Re: Opera House $1 "71 Years of Gaming"?
Re: Opera House $1 "71 Years of Gaming"?
Re: Opera House $1 "71 Years of Gaming"?
Sorry - 231 of them !
I know it looks like a 2 but could it be a 9?
Re: Sorry - 231 of them !
Its the towns on the chips that makes the chips!
71 ? they made 931 $1's if this is the set.
Put your glasses on, its 231. Sells for $30
$30 ? U.S?
Here is the set and quantity.
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